November is Men’s Health and Mental Health Awareness Month. Something extremely pertinent in society right now. Men on average die four and a half years earlier than women, of mostly preventable causes, with a man taking his own life every minute. 1.8 million men are currently coping with a prostate cancer diagnosis and testicular cancer is the most common cancer among younger men. Movember is a charity that addresses these problems.
So, what is Movember?
Originating in Australia, Movember is a charity that raises awareness of men’s health, where men don’t shave and attempt to grow a moustache for the month of November as a prevalent symbol for men’s health. This is something that seven year 13 students are taking part in: Alfie Smailes, Franek Wesolowski, Alex Mcsporran, Matthew Botwater, Joseph Parsons, Toby Cook and Ewan Beckettall are ditching their razors and growing moustaches during November. So far, they have raised £95 to support this worthwhile charity.
Nearly one in five British men admit they have never spoken to anyone about their mental health. This could perhaps be due to the stigma surrounding men and their mental health, and awkwardness about how to ask someone if they’re okay and telling someone that you aren’t.
However, Movember wants to challenge this and has partnered with Pringles. This month, Mr Pringles’ moustache has been replaced with a QR code that leads to Movember Conversations, a tool which aims to get men talking about their feelings and mental health. You can have practice conversations with a multiple-choice answer on how to help someone when they are opening up about their mental health, as well as encouraging people to open up about how they feel mentally. This is an important tool in helping men open up and feel supported with their mental health, saving lives.
Please donate to his amazing charity here: Movember - Donate
Movember - About Us - The Movember Foundation