How to study effectively

As mocks and A-level exams roll in  here are some top tips to ensure you study effectively and to your best ability.  

  1. Organisation.  

Organisation is key when studying to ensure you are prioritising the right things and revising everything you need to.  It doesn’t need to be lots. However, I recommend using diaries and calendars to make to-do lists and to keep track of when homework is due in and when tests are. This ensures you can prioritise work, and what’s a better feeling than when you tick something off a to-do list?  

  1. Revise little and often.  

It is important not to cram when studying to avoid burning out and ensuring you can recall what you’ve revised. It’s proven to increase stress levels, which causes a decrease in the amount of information you take in. After 20 minutes your brain begins to switch off so remember to study in short bursts before taking a short break.  

  1. Don’t revise when you’re tired.  

Revising when you feel tired is not a good idea, as the information won’t go into the brain. If you’re feeling tired, go to sleep and you’ll feel much better and will be more productive after some rest.  

  1. Balance 

Studying is stressful, so it is important to take time for yourself: watch a film, spend time with your friends and family, go on a walk. Switching off reduces the chance of burning out, and remember to put yourself first. I like to stop doing homework or revision at about eight o’clock to allow myself to relax.  

  1. Having a routine.  

Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time at a reasonable hour so you feel well rested to increase productivity. You’ll be able to get lots more work done.  

  1. Music 

Did you know that listening to classical music helps with memory? So, I recommend playing it while studying. Not only this, but it is calming and reduces stress levels, making it vital to listen to when studying. There are lots of playlists on YouTube and Spotify to check out too.  


I hope these tips help with your revision. Remember to always look after your mental health when revising as it can be a stressful time. Take regular breaks and make sure to spend time with your loved ones. Happy studying! 




By Isabel Cooper 


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